Dimensions of God, Source, Universe

Imagine you are Source, the birthplace of consciousness.

Source has many names: The Creator, Brahma, Supreme Being, The One, Oneness, Origin, Pure Consciousness, I AM, Allah, Energy, and many more. Regardless of what you call Source, this is where everything originated from — before time, and space, and matter. As Source, this is you and you are pure bliss and compassion.

At some point, you wanted to know yourself more deeply, but in every direction you looked all you saw was yourself as complete bliss and compassion. You have only known the bliss and compassion you are comprised of, and nothing else. You realize that you cannot fully understand your existence as bliss and compassion because you have nothing to compare yourself to. You do not know “what is not” bliss and compassion.

How can one understand light without dark?

As your desire to know yourself expands, you realize that the only way to truly understand the bliss and compassion that is you would be to stop remembering it. Not remembering — or forgetting, rather — would allow you to experience the opposite of what you are, learn from it, and then fully remember that which you have learned. To do this, you must leave this place of bliss and compassion and experience what is not bliss and compassion.

At the time of your realization, however, there was nothing tangible or real. There was only “what is” and “what is not”. In order to separate a piece of you from you, something or somewhere to separate yourself into was required. You needed something to hold you and house you, to support you. We call this space. This is the Universe, which has grown to become all matter, all mass — everything tangible and real. It is the love and support Source offers to all of us on our journey.

A necessary part of balance, the polar opposite of space, is Light. There is a plan for you to forget, and then learn, grow, heal, and remember. This is the way to know your own path, your journey, why you are doing it, and how to find your way home. Remembering is evolving. This is the knowledge and understanding of the blueprint, the greater plan, the bigger picture. This information is transmitted within Light. Light is the most elemental building block of our Universe.

These energies, Love and Light, have opposite polarity so that they can exist. When combined in equal parts they create Harmony. Without Light, the Universe would not exist. Without Love, Light would have no purpose. You cannot have Love without Light, nor Light without Love.

Love and Light have many names: Goddess/God, Yin/Yang, Shakti/Shiva, Universe/Information, Gaea/Zeus, Matter/Mind, and many more.

You are both Love and Light: form and information. You need both the form and the information to exist harmoniously. Finding harmony helps us remember Source. That we ARE Source.

We wished to know ourselves more fully, so we separated ourselves from Source. As we desired more knowledge we decided to separate again, and again, and again. Each time we separated we created a new “heaven” or “realm” for our growth. Each of these realms has two dimensions: the Love dimension (physical) and the Light dimension (information). We have been learning, growing, healing, and remembering/evolving for a very long time and have created many layers of separation from Source.

What we call Source is the 27th dimension.

Dimensions 1 through 24 are 12 pairs of realms/heavens.

25D is pure Love,

26D is pure Light,

27D is pure balance, harmony, or Source.

What we call our primitive body,

our first dimension (1D) of human consciousness,

is 26 dimensions removed from Source.

Our consciousness is on a path of remembering Source. Source is on a path of knowing itself more fully. We are fragments of Source. We purposely forgot, many times over, that we are Source, so that we could come to know ourselves more fully. And each time we achieve more knowledge about ourselves, we come closer to remembering that we are Source.

Consciousness is expanding. If there are currently twenty-seven dimensions of consciousness created by Source, then there is nothing keeping Source from deciding to forget again and to create another realm of forgetting.

It would be more appropriate to count the dimensions from the fixed place of Source, rather than from our current place of forgetting. But up until now we could not see how far we were from remembering Source. We could only see how many levels we have remembered. So for the sake of ease, we count our consciousness in dimensions of remembering.

And this is not the first time humanity made this journey of remembering. We go through cycles of remembering and forgetting. We have remembered Source many times before. We have even remembered Source from this 1D human consciousness at least two times before.

At the beginning of 2020, the average consciousness on Earth was in the third dimension. This means that we collectively raised our vibration to be aware of Source in three dimensions. In March 2020, humanity gained enough momentum to reach a critical mass where the average consciousness expanded. A huge Ascension was triggered. We had help in many forms from many places to aid in our remembering. By June of 2020, the average vibration of consciousness was in the fourth dimension. By August, it was the fifth dimension. September it was in the sixth dimension.

We are now, as of November 2020, vibrating in the seventh dimension of consciousness. We have collectively raised our vibration enough to remember the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh dimension. This means that our vibration is fast enough to train our awareness to observe ourselves from our primitive body, to our complex body, to our light body/spirit, and to our soul.

And this Ascension is still going! We are still remembering and we have so much momentum to continue our growth in consciousness.

If you are curious about the dimensions of consciousness, check out my next article to understand what we are remembering as we move through different dimensions.

💜🦄 Crystal