Frequently Asked Questions

  • Reiki is a Japanese method of energy healing. The Japanese word (rei) means “Universal Sun” and (ki) which means “Energy”. It was created by Dr. Usui in the 1920's as a structured systematic approach to connecting with spiritual energies.

    While I have been trained in traditional reiki and have lineage back to Dr. Usui, I practice western reiki. I find that this gives me more freedom for intuition. I use reiki as a bridge to connect to our Higher Self and celestial energies.

    Reiki is Balanced Neutral Energy:

    Reiki energy is neutrally-balanced Universal energy. This allows it to be used for all types of healing within all areas of our energy systems, including all aspects of our lives.

    Reiki is multi-dimensional white light:

    Reiki energy is White Light energy, which contains all of the colors of the rainbow. This allows us to send reiki to any chakra or any layer of our auric field. It allows us to send energy to any dimension of ourselves.

    Reiki is a multi-tool:

    Reiki is a tool that we can use to help us change, balance, create, or manifest! Reiki is often used for balancing chakras, releasing stress, and healing trauma. But it can also be used to help us to reach higher levels of enlightenment and ascension, or to be conscious creators of our reality.

  • Reiki is just one method of energy healing. There are many more modalities of energy healing such as:

    • Acupuncture

    • Qi Gong

    • Therapeutic Touch

    • Pranic Healing

    • Crystal Healing

    • Sound Healing

    • EFT

    • Quantum Touch

    • and so many more!

    Energy Healing:

    Energy healing is the process of bringing our awareness to the subtle energy flowing through our bodies (our life-force energy) and returning it to its free-flowing and balanced state.

    We activate, balance, and upgrade our chakras, meridians, and pathways. We activate, balance, and upgrade our connection to channels of Divine Love, including God, Source, and Universe. We heal our relationship to ourselves, including our Higher Selves and Oneness.

    We upgrade our DNA, open our Hearts, raise our vibration, expand our awareness, and EVOLVE Consciousness.

    During an energy healing session, we may:

    • Release physical and emotional burdens

    • Process deep-seated emotions

    • Release grief

    • Heal trauma and wounds

    • Release limiting beliefs

    • Dissolve another’s energy within your body

    • Find forgiveness

    • Feel worthiness and fulfillment

    • Clear the heart pathways

    • Overflow our hearts into bliss

    • Develop unconditional love for the self and others

    • Raise the heart to higher frequencies

    • Expand our awareness and consciousness

    Energy sources I may access during a session:

    • Reiki aka Universal White Light Energy

    • Mother Earth aka Gravity or the Divine Feminine

    • Father Sky aka God or the Divine Masculine

    • Source aka Pure Love or the I AM Presence

    • Channeled Healers, Masters, and Guides

    • Multidimensional Love from all directions in all dimensions

    • The Violet Flame

    • Unicorn Healing Light

    • Dragon sovereignty and empowerment

    • Golden Light bringing in the Golden Age of Humanity

  • I choose to use my lifeforce energy to practice/create/embody more Love and Light. I not only do this within myself but also with others and with the Universe.

    This means me consciously choosing to move through fear, doubt, worry, separation, etc. into Love. Moving through contrast and darkness into the Light.

    This journey into Love and Light does not mean denying or avoiding fear and darkness. It means choosing Love and Light as we face our fears and darkness.

    We can use Love and Light to help us accept and understand why things are the way that they are. But this does not mean we do nothing. Love and Light are powerful catalysts for change in the world and often inspire us to do something!

    Imagine there is a room in your house that is dark and scary. Love and Light helps you feel safe enough to face your fears, empower yourself enough to walk into the room, turn on the light, and see what's going on in the room. It is also powerful at creating changes within this room, such as healing, repairing, or manifesting!

    Reiki, to me, is not only a Light on in the room, but is also a multi-tool that allows me to make changes within the room.

  • My sessions are currently offered privately and in group settings, both online and in-person. While some of the details of our sessions might change, my sessions are generally as follows:

    Setting Intentions:

    Before we even start the energy session, we will check in and set intentions. Energy healing can help with a lot of things in a lot of areas, so having intentions of how we would like to share our time together is imports. These intentions can be specific, like to heal low back pain, or general like surrendering to Higher Guidance.

    The Session:

    If we are meeting in-person, I may ask you to lay down on my massage table but I do not massage or manipulate the body in any way. The table is to help you be as comfortable as possible while maintaining a neutral posture. Please let me know if you would be more comfortable having a seated session.

    For distance sessions, you are welcome to sit or lay down in any way that helps you feel comfortable and minimizes distractions.

    Hands-on or Hands-off:

    My energy intuition sessions often include light contact points at various energy centers of the body. I may rest my hand on your shoulder to maintain a solid connection between our energy systems. If you would prefer to be completely hands-off, please let me know at any time.

    Feeling Energy:

    I can almost guarantee you'll feel something! At the very least you will feel more relaxed.

    You might notice a sinking feeling as we ground and drop into the body. You might feel relaxed, warm, and safe, similar to a enjoying a warm bath. You may experience tingling or vibrations in your body as energy releases or wakes up energy pathways.

    As we move energy within the body, it is common for the body to do all sorts of things: fidget, wiggle, sigh, burp, gurgle, stretch, laugh, or cry. It is my intention to help you heal in the most gentle, loving, and kind way possible. If anything ever comes up that is not comfortable or does not feel good, we can approach it in another way. While sometimes we will want to move through the discomfort, I will not lead you into anything where you feel unsafe.


    I make sure to clear my energy system before I connect to you. This limits any transference of any unwanted energies.

    I will then use reiki to create a sacred container for our session. This is often a golden merkabah surrounding us.

    Then we invite in your Higher Self with the intention of “Please express to us whatever is in our highest good”. Sometimes this comes in as healing frequencies. Sometimes it comes in as Higher Guidance. Most of the time it comes in as both; we receive the energies to make the frequency shifts in the energy system and the higher guidance to understand the shifts. This is a powerful combination!

  • My sessions are currently offered privately and in group settings, both online and in-person. Please check your confirmation email for the location of your session.

    In-person sessions:

    Whether you are attending a 1:1 private session or a group session, if it is in-person, you will be meeting me at:

    Celestial Studio

    1205 Klamath Ave Ste B

    Klamath Falls, OR 97601

    Online Sessions:

    My online sessions are hosted through the Zoom platform. Please check your confirmation email or reminder email for the link.

    Zoom can be accessed from your phone or desktop, using the link provided. Each session with me has a unique private link.

    You may download Zoom on your computer, laptop, or tablet by going to the Zoom Download Center.

    If you would like to record our session, please log into our meeting from your laptop or desktop. At the start of the meeting I will give you permission to record our session to your computer. Please ask my permission before posting any part of the video online.

  • Reiki and other energy healing modalities within my practice are used for the purpose of stress reduction and relaxation. Scientific studies show that releasing stress and promoting relaxation can speed up the healing process. Therefore they can help us to heal from a wide range of stress-related health issues!

    The most common stress-related illnesses are insomnia, eating disorders, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, colds, viruses, diabetes, heart problems, and cancer. 

    I have personally found relief from my past grief, anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress, and panic attacks. I have also used energy healing to support me along my spiritual path, journey into self-awareness, to train my empathy and intuition, and connect with higher guidance!

    Check out some of these commonly accepted benefits of reiki and energy healing:

    Physical Benefits:

    • Pain Relief: Reiki can help alleviate chronic pain and reduce discomfort from injuries and illnesses.

    • Improved Sleep: It promotes relaxation, which can lead to better sleep quality and duration.

    • Enhanced Immune Function: By reducing stress, Reiki can support the immune system, helping the body to fend off illness.

    • Accelerated Healing: It may speed up the healing process for wounds, surgeries, and other physical conditions.

    • Reduced Inflammation: Reiki can help reduce inflammation and associated symptoms in the body.

    Emotional and Mental Benefits:

    • Stress Reduction: Reiki induces a state of deep relaxation, which helps to reduce stress and anxiety.

    • Emotional Balance: It can help balance emotions, reducing feelings of depression, fear, and sadness.

    • Mental Clarity: Reiki sessions can enhance mental clarity and improve focus and concentration.

    • Emotional Release: It can help release suppressed emotions and traumas, promoting emotional healing.

    Spiritual Benefits:

    • Enhanced Intuition: Regular Reiki practice can heighten intuition and spiritual awareness.

    • Greater Self-Awareness: It encourages self-reflection and a deeper understanding of oneself.

    • Spiritual Growth: Reiki can support personal and spiritual growth, helping individuals to feel more connected to their higher self.

    • Sense of Peace: Many people experience a profound sense of peace and tranquility during and after Reiki sessions.

    Holistic Wellbeing:

    • Holistic Healing: Reiki addresses the whole person, including body, mind, and spirit, promoting overall balance and harmony.

    • Increased Energy Levels: By balancing the body's energy, Reiki can enhance vitality and reduce fatigue.

    • Support for Medical Treatments: Reiki can complement medical treatments, reducing side effects and improving recovery outcomes.

    • Personal Empowerment: It encourages individuals to take an active role in their own healing process.

  • Before the Session:

    1. Set Clear Intentions: Reflect on what you hope to achieve from the session, such as stress relief, emotional healing, or physical recovery.

    2. Are we a good match? Reiki and energy healing requires a certain amount of trust and empathy. Please check in with yourself to see if you feel a resonance with me and are willing to be open with me.

    3. Prepare Mentally and Physically: Arrive well-hydrated and avoid heavy meals or caffeine before the session. Wear comfortable clothing. Please limit strong scents and fragrances.

    4. Communicate with Me: Discuss your intentions, any specific issues you're facing, and your general health. This helps tailor the session to your needs.

    During the Session:

    1. Relax and Let Go: Trust the process and allow yourself to relax. Focus on your breath and let go of any expectations or distractions.

    2. Be Open to the Experience: Reiki works differently for everyone. Be open to whatever you might feel, whether it's warmth, tingling, emotional release, or deep relaxation.

    3. Stay Present: Try to stay mindful and present during the session. If your mind wanders, gently bring your focus back to your breath or the sensations you're experiencing.

    After the Session:

    1. Reflect on the Experience: Take a few moments to reflect on how you feel and any insights you gained. Write down any notable feelings or thoughts in a journal.

    2. Drink Plenty of Water: Hydrate well after the session to help flush out any toxins and support the energy flow.

    3. Rest and Integrate: Allow yourself some quiet time to rest and integrate the experience. Avoid rushing back into stressful activities immediately after the session. Give yourself extra time before driving your car or going back to work.

    4. Observe Changes: Pay attention to any changes in your physical, emotional, or mental state over the next few days. Healing can continue beyond the session and take a couple weeks to notice its full effects.

  • Some of my favorite things to do after an energy healing session are:

    • Go for a walk

    • Drink lots of water

    • Take an Epsom Salt Bath

    • Journal

    • Talk with a Friend about the Session

    • Meditate or Self-reflect

    • Nap or Sleep

    Here are some other practices that you can try after your session:

    1. Gratitude and Positivity: Cultivate a sense of gratitude and positivity after your session. This can enhance the overall healing process.

    2. Follow Up with Me: Keep in touch with me to discuss your progress and any further steps or sessions that might be beneficial.

    3. Get Curious about Chakras: Chakras are the language of the energy system. It is also the language that I often use while receiving guidance about your health and wellbeing. Learning the very basics of the seven primary chakras can greatly help you integrate our session and develop greater self-awareness.

    4. Regular Sessions: Regular Reiki sessions can enhance the benefits. Discuss with your practitioner how often you should receive treatments based on your needs.

    5. Practice Self-Reiki: If you're trained in Reiki, practicing self-Reiki can help maintain and enhance the benefits between sessions.

    6. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle: Complement Reiki with a balanced diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and mindfulness practices like meditation or yoga.

  • Some clients see me once and received what they needed from it.

    Many of my clients prefer to see me regularly, usually about once a month.

    Some of my clients are going through more acute health concerns or are highly motivated to make changes in their lives. They choose to see me more often.

    I am happy to discuss with you my recommended course of sessions based on your personal intentions.

    Ultimately, you know what is best for you. Please listen to your body and your intuition on when it would be in your highest good to see me again! It could be a few days, a few weeks, or a few years.

    I believe in the synchronicity of the Universe, that you will be called to see me at the perfect time that I am able to help or support you!

    If you feel called to see me regularly, I offer monthly subscriptions. I also offer package discounts that you can share with friends.

  • Disclaimer:

    I personally choose to use energy healing for my own primary care, but legally I am required to tell you that energy healing does not take the place of medical care.

    If you have an urgent condition please trust yourself first, and trust if medical care is in your highest good. I love that energy healing and medical care can work very well together and can support you through your times of healing. Energy Healing compliments the work of these trained and licensed medical professionals!

    You are welcome to text or email me to see if it is something that I am intuitively able to help with.

    While I can guide you on your spiritual path, open energy pathways, and perform "psychic surgery", I cannot diagnose physical conditions, prescribe or perform medical treatment, nor can I prescribe any medicines, supplements, and modifications of your diet, physical activity, or daily routine. I will not interfere with your treatment plan from a licensed medical practitioner.

  • Many of my sessions include intuitive readings. Legally, these readings are for "entertainment purposes only". Psychic information and intuitive readings are not always accurate.

    While I do my best to be a clear and neutral channel, my intuition is still filtered through my own energy system and biased by my own perspective. I will relay any information to you that I receive directly. I will also let you know if/when I am interpreting the information received or stating it directly.

    Based on my reviews and from feedback from my clients, my intuition is very well received and deeply resonates with them. I would consider my intuition over 90% accurate.

    Ultimately, it is up to you to determine what messages resonate with you and you get to throw out the rest. Also, hold space for the messages, as some of them unpack over time.

  • If you feel called to see me regularly, I offer monthly subscriptions. I also offer package discounts that you can share with friends.

    Twice a year I offer a "Buy One, Gift One" promotion for my private energy healing sessions.

    Please visit my sessions page to see which offers are currently active.

    As my schedule allows, I offer some pay-what-you-can sessions. If money is the only thing keeping you from booking a session with me, please text me or email me with your request.

  • I do my best to offer as much free content as I am able to.

    Currently, my free content on my website includes:

    I also offer community events, free, in-person at Celestial Studio. Check out the calendar to see which events are free to the public.

  • Traditional Japanese Reiki, Usui Reiki, is a system of reiki that was designed for anyone to be able to learn.

    As with every skill, some people will have an easier time than others learning reiki.

    You have the greatest opportunity to excel at reiki if you are self-motivated to study reiki and practice reiki regularly.

    If you are a healer, empath, HSP, intuitive, psychic, medium, channeler, starseed, etc. then I highly recommend adding reiki to your practice!

    Ultimately, reiki helped me to develop self-awareness and self-empowerment, so that I could train my empathy and intuition.

    If you are interested in reading my story about reiki, or looking to sign up for reiki classes, please check out my reiki training page.

  • If you are a current reiki student or client with me, please feel free to email me with any questions that you have about energy healing, consciousness, or ascension.

    If you are local in Klamath Falls, OR feel free to drop into Open Heal or Conscious Cafe for a casual space to ask questions and to practice reiki.

    If you are looking for a customized mentoring program, such as an immersion or regular training, please schedule a virtual meeting with me; let's co-create something!

  • Yes! I am available for private parties, retreats, workshops, music festivals, healer sanctuaries, etc. Please call me or email me with details of your event.

  • I love talking about consciousness and sharing my perspective of reality! And I have professional quality mics, headphones, and webcams ready to go!

    Call me or email me with details of your show.

  • Yes! I love that Celestial Studio is a space available for others in the community to host classes workshops and session.

    Maximum occupancy is about 25. Some equipment is available for use such as folding tables, folding chairs, zero-gravity loungers, floor mats, floor cushions, and sound system.

    Honestly, I don't care if you are like-minded as long as you are open-hearted! Come share your perspective!

    Call me or email me with your request!