Your Ego is Soooo Cute!
This journey is not for the faint of heart, and I am not here to coddle your ego. I am here to help your spirit to break free from your ego so that you can empower yourself to make your own choices. This journey does not always feel like Love and Light, Unicorns and Rainbows. Even though I am only accessing Love and Light, Unicorns and Rainbows.
Sometimes path this requires strength, effort, motivation, and perseverance. We can use our determination to get up that “mountain” we call Awakening or Enlightenment, by stubbornly choosing Love and Light, even when it is uncomfortable… and even when we are triggered.
Our Spiritual “Mountain”
The journey of climbing this mountain is sometimes called Spiritual Growth, Ascension, Enlightenment, Awakening, Remembering…
Unfortunately (AND fortunately!) the Earth is currently located in the 3D, which is a realm of contrast. It’s like God’s school. We wouldn’t come here if we already knew all of the answers and we purposefully forget. This means we are here to learn from the contrast, by experiencing Light and Dark, Bliss and Suffering, Peace and Pain, and everything in between. We are here to Learn, Grow, Heal, and Evolve, not by avoiding all conflict and contrast, but by experiencing it, and using these experiences to expand our consciousness.
While there are many gentle ways to encourage ourselves to inch along our spiritual path, like positive affirmation and meditation, there are many faster ways of ascending up the mountain. We often learn more from the contrast. For example, most of the healers that I know have had a life full of pain and suffering, helping them to develop the empathy and compassion required to be an effective healer.
The Ego is Like a Mask
It is easier for others to see our mask than ourselves, so we often draw to us teachers and healers to help us see ourselves more clearly.
For example, I had an energy healer once that called me stubborn. I was triggered! I was so upset that I stewed on it for a whole week. At one point I realized “Oh Shit, I’ve been stewing on this for a week. OMG I AM stubborn”. If that energy healer had coddled my ego and was afraid to call me stubborn, I might not have been able to work through the realization that I was stubborn… I might still be subconsciously stubborn, creating more resistance to change in my life. Because of that healer helping me to see my mask, I am now aware of it. I can now consciously choose to use my stubbornness to “stubbornly choose Love” or to work through my stubbornness by trying new things and releasing habits, etc. Also, It doesn’t help me work through my stubbornness by blaming and attacking the person that called me stubborn. I get to take responsibility for my own stubbornness and the life lessons and the teachers it creates.
I cannot promise I won’t trigger you or your ego. (I think ego’s are cute… like two-year-olds that easily throw temper tantrums.) And I can’t promise you that I will say I’m sorry… more like “sorry, not sorry!”
I think the ego is cute!
Like a two-year-old that easily throws temper tantrums!
I’m actually more likely to trigger you because we are working in very vulnerable and intimate ways in our session, where you are showing me your scariest fears and deepest wounds. I am honored that you allow me to witness you and your mask, and help you work through your layers of ego.
I want to help you break free from your ego. Therefore, I will tell you “as it is” unapologetically. But I promise that I will only come from a place of Love and Light as I do it. I will only work with your Higher Self as I offer you guidance and help you to develop your self-awareness.
I promise to help you move through the layers of your ego to help you get the core of who you really are. I promise to be honest and vulnerable with you, even if it is uncomfortable. I promised to help you see yourself more clearly and to know yourself in deeper ways.
Are you ready to break free from your ego so that you can empower yourself more fully?
Love and Light,