This is Reiki Level Two, in-person at Celestial Studio.
This class starts at 2:00PM and takes approximately 3 hours for classroom instruction and reiki level two attunement. We will have time after class for Q&A and hands-on practice.
You can find the reiki manual for all three levels on my website, Here you can download them as a pdf. Feel free to read through them ahead of time and come with questions. These reiki manuals are full of details and information, but in class we will be mainly focusing on the larger concepts and practical application.
If you would like a printed copy of these manuals, I am happy to provide you with a binder with all three color manuals at cost (about $30). Just let me know.
For class:
Something to take notes with
A water bottle
Whatever you need to be comfy (comfy clothes and a blanket)
Pay what you can $100-$250