5th: Eat Tree Fruit

Our fifth chakra represents our self-expression and personal truth. It is located in our lower throat. When our fifth chakra is energized and balanced, we have more ability to clearly communicate verbally, physically, spiritually. Eating fruit grown on trees helps our bodies do that in several ways!


Tree fruit is nutrient-dense, packed with Vitamin C and Iodine. Both of these are powerful nutrients required by your thyroid, which is governed by your fifth chakra. Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant to help you keep your immune system in tip-top shape so you don’t get sore throats or pesky colds. Iodine is an essential mineral that your thyroid uses to make hormones that grow and repair cells.

Tree fruit also contains lots of carbohydrates to activate your body so you have tons energy to express yourself. There’s a reason singers, dancers, and musicians love carbs! And the fibers from whole fruit help you process toxins, feel satisfied longer and therefore eating less, and helps you live longer.

Fruit tress is on the best long-term, most sustainable, and low maintenance form of agriculture! They are some of the most efficient sources of food! They also supply lots of oxygen, shade, and habitats. Not to mention more trees to hug! Personally, anything that encourages more trees and cleaner air for this planet, I’ll do my part!

💜🦄 Crystal