Harry Potter and the Chakras Explained!

What better way to learn about chakras than with the help of our favorite wizard, Harry Potter! This visualization came to me while meditating and really pulled together the importance of each chakra to the whole energy system. Even without one of these pieces magic would not be possible. Each chakra, and its purpose, is essential to our existence, desires, power, love, communication, awareness, and beliefs. When we understand the role of each piece of the whole then we can learn, heal, and grow to create more magic in our lives.

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If you are a wizard or a witch (or maybe a special unicorn), you must learn about the seven components of creating magic before you start waving your wand around. Awareness of each piece of the puzzle makes the spell work as intended. Missing even one step, or not giving proper value to each step, can produce undesired results. Lord Voldemort, one the most powerful wizards, had his spell go awry where he accidentally turned Harry into a Horcrux just because he had the wrong intentions. Another example is when Hermione accidentally turned herself into a cat because she didn’t use the right kind of hair for her Polyjuice Potion. Even the slightest thing can make all the difference.


Your first chakra is your physical world. It is the wizard’s or witch’s body with the wand, cloak, and broom; the tools, ingredients, and implements of magic. This chakra is special in that this is where our existence in the present moment lives. What happens if Harry or Hermione worries about the past or the future while casting spells? The magic goes awry! Things become unpredictable and chaotic. Magic requires this awareness of the present moment, being here and now. This chakra is red and is located at the base of the spine and is a single cone, rather than a pair, that points straight down. You could say that its partner chakra is your seventh chakra: the belief in something bigger than yourself or that magic is possible.


The next step in making magic is to have a desire to cast a spell, or to create something with your magic! The spells are already written, but magic can only happen when someone desires to use it. This magic could be anything from lighting the darkness with Lumos, to making fears seem less threatening with Riddikulus. It is your choice! You have free will to create anything that brings you happiness. This creation stems from your second chakra, the source of your emotions, desires, and creativity. This chakra is orange and has a pair of cones, one towards your front and one towards your back. If you are ever confused about which spell to cast, don’t look to your brain to help you, sit in your lower abdomen and get to know your true longing and passions.


The third step is to harness the energy that powers the magic. Magic can be acquired from a variety of energy sources. My favorite source of energy is food! Even wizards and witches need to eat! Eating maintains the health of your body, and gives you the energy and nutrients your body needs to continue operations and the strength you need to wave your wand and speak your spell. It's not a coincidence that your third chakra is located just below your sternum, governing your stomach and digestion.

Another source of energy is tapping into magic directly. There is an infinite amount of energy around us at all times, in the air we breathe, the wind over our skin, the water drink, and in all the space in between. It can come in the form of kinetic, chemical, nuclear, thermal, gravitational, or potential energy. This energy cannot be destroyed, but can be transferred from one form of energy to another. At any time you can use your desires and your tools to transform it into magic.


That was the first three chakras from the bottom up: 1) red - your physical tools for magic, 2) orange - your desires to cast a spell and 3) yellow - your power supply to create the magic. Now we are going to skip to the top of the energy system and work our way down. Then we can meet in the middle with the heart chakra. (I like to save the best for last!)

The highest point of your energy system is the seventh chakra at the crown of your head. It looks like a pillar of white light. This where you connect to something bigger than yourself. Harry and Hermione might call it their belief in magic. You might call it your belief in God, the Universe, the Divine, dark energy, or electromagnetic particles… Or maybe the Elmer’s Glue that holds everything together. Whatever your belief is, its this belief that creates the magic! Could Harry fly on his broom if he didn’t believe he could? Could Hermione levitate a feather is she couldn’t believe it?

Faith, in any of its forms, helps us see that everything is connected and all things are possible. It gives us a sense of connection to our environment and everything in it. It is the bond with other people in our community, the understanding that you are me and I am you. It is the appreciation for the water, earth, air, and fire that becomes us and then returns back again. Everything is neither created, nor destroyed, but it changes form. Magic could be defined as moving energy from one phase to another, like the transfiguration of an animal into a water goblet.


The next requirement of magic is knowledge. You need to know your spells and everything they entail: the words to the spell, which spell would be best, when to use the spell, and the purpose of the spell, etc. You may need to know the proper technique of holding your wand or flying your broom. This is all governed by our sixth chakra. Not only is our brain located there to help us with thinking, analyzing, and problem solving, but it is also where our intuition lives, hence the reason this chakra is sometimes called our third eye. Your intuition will help guide you on your path of increasing the magic in your life!


The next chakra down is your fifth chakra located at your throat. This is where you express your spells through your own self-expression. Your vocal cords help you speak the spells, or maybe you sing them or dance them. However you cast your spells is special to you! Your voice is unique, so is your body and are your movements. The way Hermione casts her spells is not the same as the way Harry casts his, but in the end what matters are the right words with the right movements in order to get the right result. When anybody correctly casts Alohomora well the door should open.

A quick recap of the upper chakras: 7) white - belief in magic, 6) purple - knowledge of the spells, and 5) blue - speaking the spells. Our lower chakras and our upper chakras balance each other out. If you throw off the balance between the upper and lower chakras, you may have changes in your magic.


The lower chakras and the upper chakras meet in the middle at the fourth chakra. This is the heart chakra and is the center of your whole energy system. The role of this chakra is a little more abstract: to love, forgive, and surrender. This chakra governs what happens between when you cast the spell and when the result is achieved; it is in that brief moment where everything worked together to create the spell.

This is the moment after you realize that you exist, you have a desire to cast the spell, you have the energy to create the magic, you believe magic exists, you know which spell that you are saying, then you point your wand and speak the words. An instant of suspension, alignment, and congruence where everything leads to this moment and everything has an equal part. It is not the magic itself, nor the result of the spell, but surrendering to the process of creating magic and allowing the magic to happen.

Which chakra are you drawn to?

  • First: Are your thoughts really busy and keeping you from staying in the present moment?

  • Second: Have you lost your joy or creativity?

  • Third: Are you tired and need more energy to create and manifest more magic in your life?

  • Fourth: Are you heartbroken or having trouble manifesting?

  • Fifth: Are you saying things that you don’t really mean or know are true?

  • Sixth: Are you overly critical of yourself?

  • Seventh: Have you lost faith that magic is possible?

If you are a fan of Harry Potter, I am your fan! For the first 100 of my fellow HP fans I am offering a free energy reading; visit my Harry Potter page at www.CelestialbyCrystal.com/harry-potter. Your free reading includes, 1) which of your chakras are fast or slow, 2) where you have leaks, or 3) where in your energy system you need to bring your awareness to. It will also include 4) tips and tricks to help you balance your chakras!

For an energy healing session to help you create more magic in your life, please visit my sessions pages at www.CelestialbyCrystal.com/sessions. Energy healing sessions start at $70 for 30 minutes. Even 30 minutes of magic-creating reiki and intuitive healing can be life changing. Longer sessions are available for those wizards and witches looking to fine-tune their energy system.

To More Magic,

💜🦄 Crystal


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