6th: Ice-cubes in Your Brain!
Imagination is one our greatest tools! We can use it to invent and create things, or sometimes to pretend we are someone else. We can also use our imagination for our health, to promote our own wellbeing. I like to use my imagination to visualize ice-cubes cooling and slowing down my brain!
To balance your 6th chakra, imagine ice-cubes are slowing down your brain!
With our brains on overdrive from being constantly bombarded by stimuli, we can use meditation techniques to quiet the monkey-mind. Did you know that imagination and visualization are tools to meditate? And we can slow down our brain just by imagining it is possible! I have heard of many Vedic and Hindu methods of meditation that focus on fire in the belly and ice in the mind. Maybe there’s more to this!
I like to use ice-cubes as my visual because everyone knows what an ice-cube is; they are very concrete rather than abstract. Anyone can visualize dropping a handful of ice-cubes into your rapidly firing and quick moving brain. Pretend your thoughts are freezing in place. Acknowledge them as they come up and let them melt or float away. Try it for a set amount of time to start, somewhere between two and ten minutes. Did you notice your thoughts slow down.
If you practice often enough, maybe you can get your brain to freeze solid and have zero thoughts come through. Its possible when you slow down your thoughts your intuition and true emotions start to show up and present themselves. Maybe you’ll start to see purple energy, the first sign of connecting to your psychic sight!
Are your ice cubes large or small? Maybe your ice is shaped like Special Unicorns or purple hearts! Or maybe you visualize a pitcher of ice water slowly pouring over your head. You can check how you are doing by placing your left hand on the crown of your head. Do you feel warmth and movement?… keep practicing. Do you feel a cool tingling?… That’s great!
Comment below! How did your first ice-cube meditation go?