I'm a Special Unicorn!
“I’m a Special Unicorn”
“I’m a Special Unicorn” tote bag
Sometimes your path to discovery can start with something seemingly simple and meaningful, like the love you have for your child or pet. Or maybe enjoying a cup of tea or watching the trees dance in the wind. I’d like to share with you one little thing that made a huge difference in my life: laughter.
One day I was shopping at the local natural market. It was a cold Seattle day and a chill set in. I was walking through the store and happened upon the heater vent. As I stood there waiting for my teeth to stop chattering I browsed the shelves in front of me. There was this light blue tote bag with a hand-drawn picture of a unicorn with its arms crossed and its noise pointed in the air. It read “I’m a special unicorn.” I chuckled and walked away.
I got no more than ten feet away before I laughed again. Alright, I’ll go back to see how much that bag costs. “Do I really want to spend $12 on a tote bag?” But I laughed again as I read it for a third time. I sighed, How much was my laughter worth? I’ve spent more on a bottle of wine… ok, I’ll buy it.
When I got home from the store, I set it out on my kitchen counter. Every morning while making my tea, this unicorn has sitting there next to me, reminding me to laugh. I couldn’t help myself but look at it and laugh. Now everyday started off with a laugh! The bag eventually graduated to my lunch bag for work, and now I’m laughing at work. I showed it to everyone I knew, “Look! It’s a special unicorn!” Some of them laughed with me, and some laughed at me, but it was my special lunch bag. I had it with me most of the time, while I was at work, in my car on the way to/from work, and at home. It was a great reminder to laugh!
Even when I didn’t have the bag on me, throughout each day I would tell myself, “I’m a special unicorn!” Eventually I started to believe it. I AM a special unicorn! So are you, and you, and you! Everyone is special, and everyone can feel special, and anyone can find joy in anything, even if it is a simple, but funny, tote bag. I still have that bag to this day. Apparently these lunch bags last a long time! (And if you click on the photo you can buy the lunch bag from them direct! I’m not affiliated in any way, I’m just sharing something I find laughter in.)