2nd: Hands Over Lower Abdomen
Naturally and instinctively we place our hands on our belly when we have a tummy ache, or on our head when we have a migraine. This is because we have powerful chakras in our hands! These chakras can be used for sending any area of your body energy and light, or pulling out things that don’t belong in your body such as unhealthy beliefs, unresolved emotions, and even chronic diseases.
Place your hands on your lower abdomen to access your true self
The chakras in our hands are so powerful that we can send this energy to anyone who needs it, not unlike praying. In prayer position we place our hands together, palm to palm, chakra to chakra, and think about or state an intention of health or blessings, etc. Prayer even works for those on the other side of the world or for those whom have passed..
If our hands are that powerful and useful, then why not use them for our own chakras? This is the first thing they teach you if you study reiki or chakras; the power of self-healing!
I find that our second chakra is particularly responsive in balancing and aligning with just our hands. Maybe because it is a very comfortable and natural resting place for our hands, or because the chakras in our hands can easily reverse directions and pull out negative beliefs about desires and creations as fast as they come up.
All you need to do for this mindful practice is to sit quietly and place your hands on your lower abdomen, just below your belly-button. Clear your mind and let your hands do the rest. As true feelings and emotions arise, acknowledge them and let them pass through you. These moments can arise and resolve quite quickly; one moment you are laughing, the next crying, and the next in bliss.
The second chakra is where your true emotions live; what your soul or spirit is experiencing in the present moment. I will estimate that 90% of the time these truths that come up are not what your brain and ego are telling you your supposed to experience. For most people the brain is creating emotions based on old patterns, expectations for the future, and experiences from the past, rather than being completely in the present moment. Your brain might be upset that the Seahawks lost the game, but your spirit is happy that you are sharing the moment with friends!
These truths might come up as emotions, visions, sounds, or desires, but not thoughts. Thoughts originate in the brain from an outdated operating system. When was the last time you updated your OS, deleted unused and old files, and cleaned off the hard drive? Accessing your second chakra, which is your creativity center, allows you to upgrade your programming and to connect and discover your true desires.
What do you want to create for yourself? What are you truly feeling in this moment?
These questions can be some of the hardest questions to ask yourself. If your other six chakras are balanced, then maybe meditating here for a while will bring you many epiphanies! But if you are like me, an empath or intuitive that was so focused on what everyone else wanted or was feeling, then this could be quite challenging for you. It took me years to be able to access my true desires. But I found help! I found a spiritual mentor that held my hand and guided me step-by-step to accessing and activating my true self. You can get there by meditation and practice, or you can build a community and ask for help.
I have been there. I have been confused. I have been so wrapped up in others and things outside of myself that I didn’t even know one thing that brought be true joy, or one thing I really wanted to create for myself. I looked outside of myself for the answers, but the answers start in the second chakra.
Would you like help building this network of pathways where you can get to your true desires at any moment? I would be honored to help you discover your true self! My spiritual mentorship starts with a 30-minute energy session to align your chakras, and after we communicate your spiritual goals and how much support you would like. Visit my sessions page to schedule your first session, and we’ll go from there.
In the meantime, keep practicing by placing you hands on your lower abdomen to get closer to your true self and true desires! Did you notice something come up that you weren’t expecting? Let me know in a comment below.