1st: Walk Barefoot!
Your first chakra is about your physical body existing in the present moment; being here and now. One great way of connecting more to this is to physically connect with the earth. The easiest way I found to do this is to walk barefoot. Find a grassy park or a sandy beach and go for a stroll!
Walk barefoot to balance your first chakra!
Walking barefoot brings your awareness to your feet, to your physical body. Paying attention to where you need to step to prevent a stubbed-toe or injury from a sharp rock requires you to stay in the present moment. Then when your mind wanders you will have a quick and gentle reminder to bring you back!
I have a pond behind my house where I sit in the grass and take my shoes off. The grass feels soft and cool some days, and hot and crunchy other days. Sometimes it’s full of squishy moss, and others dandelions!
If you can’t get outside or walk barefoot, you can either imagine that you are, or simply ask yourself, “what do my feet feel like right now?” You can slip your shoes of under your desk and scrunch your toes into your socks and the carpet. Anything to bring your attention away from your brain and towards the Earth.
Where do you like to walk barefoot?