7th: Pillar of Light
Imagine a pillar of light entering the crown of your head
I love using imagination and visualization as a form of meditation and chakra balancing. Our seventh chakra is one of the most important chakras to activate, maintain, and keep balanced, as it governs our faith in something bigger than ourselves. It also balances our earth energy, being here and now, with our spirit and its path toward ascension.
My favorite way to connect more Universal light, the Divine energy, or God’s love is to imagine a pillar of light coming from above and entering in through the crown of my head. The top of my head opens up and receives this light from everywhere around me. This light is made up of starlight, electromagnetic particles, and pure energy. Some of it travelled many years to get to me, and some of it arrived instantly because I asked for it. Just through intention of receiving this light, the light becomes mine, and I can access it anytime I want. And so can you.
I find this visualization most effective when I am sitting up straight with my spine vertical and balanced over my hips. Sitting in a chair or a lotus pose work well. I lower my chin slightly towards my chest so that the crown of my head is my highest point. As i breathe in the light enters the top of my head, flows through my brain, and down my neck and spine into my heart. As I exhale, my crown opens more, the pillar gets brighter, and I surrender to receiving more light.
Even if you are in a pitch-black room there is still ample energy around you for this exercise to work. Every particle of the air around you has energy, and only a narrow band of energy is visible as light, as the electromagnetic spectrum is vast!
Try the Pillar of Light exercise for two to ten minutes. Do you feel more connected to the space around you? Are your thoughts slower? Maybe you feel a sense of calmness or love? Comment below with any feelings that arose during your meditation.