7th: Eat Clean Foods

Many Hindu practices suggest fasting as a form of balancing your seventh chakra. In our fast-paced lifestyles this becomes increasingly difficult. The next best thing is to eat very clean and basic foods: seeds, nuts, berries, leaves, and vegetables. The cleaner the better!


Our brains are one of our largest and most-sensitive organs. Chemical imbalances from processed and refined foods can become exaggerated and manifest as depression, anxiety, or insomnia. We can kick-start a detox in our brain by eating as clean and healthy as possible, drinking lots of filtered water, and resting. Eating healthy, getting plenty of sleep, breathing, and meditating is more important for our brain chemistry than exercising.

Take a week (or a long weekend) to take care of your seventh chakra: three to seven days of eating clean, hydrating, and resting (fasting or intermittent fasting if able). There is something bigger than yourself at work… God, the Universe, or Electromagnetic Particles, whichever you prefer to call it. Allow the crown chakra at the top of your head to open, let in the light and let out the darkness.

πŸ’œπŸ¦„ Crystal