Getting In Touch With Your Body
The health of our body is a lifelong process; even from before we are born we are growing and rebuilding our body. Thankfully, if we can balance the awareness of our body with self-love (the mind) and higher consciousness (the spirit) we can have a happy and healthy life.
Vacation is a great time to learn about your body1
Your self-awareness is the first step in healing. You first must desire to get to know yourself! This can be the biggest step, as our ego often gets the better of us and society trains us to be robots, computing and processing external data all the time. When is the last time your boss said, “John, I need you to sit and meditate for a while”? Being aware of your own body and it’s needs is like a muscle that needs exercise, it strengthens and builds over time. Some people are naturally very sensitive and have a head start in the process. Some people are very out-of-body, thinkers and analyzers… which one do you relate with?
Here are a few steps we can take to get in touch with our body:
We can get out of our ego and rampant thoughts by meditating. I imagine that my thoughts are floating just above my head like those cartoon bubbles in the Sunday Comics. So when you are lost in your thoughts, you are awareness is not within your body, but somewhere outside of it. The most simple meditation to slow down your brain is to wiggle your toes! This may sound strange, but furthest part of the body from your brain is your feet. Try asking your feet and toes questions. Are they blistered, comfortable, sore, cozy, achey, or happy! Everyone likes happy feet!
We can listen to our true food cravings, which are usually a sign that we need certain nutrients, maybe protein or selenium. When looking at a menu or shopping at the grocery store, try seeing what pops out on the menu or jumps off the shelve. We can become creatures of habit eating the same foods over and over because they are comforting or emotionally nourishing to us. But this pattern can limit our nutrient intake. If you are not sure what your body is telling you, then try to eat many colors of food, make a rainbow meal! This will maximize your variety of nutrients!
Our body usually tells up when it needs to sleep or rest, but we are often caught up in other priorities or obligations so we don’t listen. Being conscious of when our bodies need stillness is extremely important. This may be an afternoon nap, or sitting quietly on our lunch break. Electronics can even confuse our natural signals of when to be active and when to rest, so remember to turn off electronics whenever possible.
Meditating to get to know your body
One bit of advice, that I cannot stress enough, is ask for help when you cannot do it on your own. Build a community or network of people that balance your strengths and weaknesses with theirs. How can you help them and how can they help you? For free tips on balancing your first chakra and to bring awareness and health to you body, check out these other blog posts.
If you would like more help on your path, I am here for you! Today I am working on self-worth and receiving, you can help me by booking a session with me. If you are reading this, you are working on your first chakra… I can help you ground yourself and to quiet your mind so you can be more present with your body. I can help you resolve childhood issues and past-life karma so that you can transform your first chakra into a beautiful cone, bright and vibrant with red energy. I can help you learn which nutrients and minerals your body needs or which foods it is sensitive to. It would be my honor to help you connect more with your being!