5th: Dance!


Your fifth chakra is about expressing your truth. What better way to do this than dancing! Dancing is the most primal way of self-expression, yet it can be refined, graceful, and beautiful. The best part, it can be a lot of fun!

While your fifth chakra is particularly influenced by dancing, I cannot think of a better way than dancing to balance your whole energy system! In order to dance you need to use your:

  • First chakra with the use of your physical body and movement in time

  • Second chakra with creating the moves and the desire and passion of dance

  • Third chakra with energy needed to move your body

  • Fourth chakra with trusting your dance partner and enjoying yourself

  • Fifth chakra with self-expression and your own personal touches on the dance moves

  • Sixth chakra with learning the dance moves and getting out of your self-criticism

  • Seventh chakra with trusting the next beat of the song and that your partner will be there.

If every chakra is balanced through dance, then it must be healthy for your whole body. Most dancing is aerobic so it encourages you to breathe, strengthening your heart and lungs. It also increases your muscle tone and strength. And, maybe my favorite part, is that it burns calories so you can lose weight, or you can eat more while maintaining your current weight! Dancing is a great tool for mindfulness, as it helps you bring awareness to your body through balance and coordination.

If you have a friend or loved-one to go dancing with, then hit the clubs! If you do not have a partner, then find a social dance group in your area or sign up for classes. I like to turn on my favorite music and dance my heart out in the living room; Iā€™m a closet dancer!

How do you like to express yourself?

šŸ’œšŸ¦„ Crystal